- flow of words
- 善于辞令: be skillful in making statem ...
- 滔滔不绝: spout eloquent speeches; an ...
- 善于辞令: be eloquent in speech
- 善于辞令的: well spoken
- 滔滔不绝: spout eloquent speeches; an unceasing flow of words; exhaust [weary] oneself by talking; flow on without stopping; (right [straight]) off the reel; one's words pouring out like a flood; pouring out words in a steady flow; (she) rattled on, (her) words pouring out like a flood.; speak unceasingly; talk a horse's hind leg off; talk eloquently; talk nineteen to the dozen; talk on and on in a flow of eloquence; talk one's self out of breath; talk without cease
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